Essential Oils God's Fountain of Health, Christ Consciousness, and Rejuvenation

Essential Oils Explained: Healing is Voltage

Essential oils are God’s fountain of health, Christ consciousness, and rejuvenation created by God from the beginning of time for man’s healing with the have the ability to rewrite cells that have been corrupted by the poisons of medicine.

Read the book, “THE BREATH OF GOD OVER ESSENTIAL OILS ” by Emerson Ferrell, and awaken your understanding to the power inside these miracle molecules from God.

Begin your journey back to health today by using the full line of Heaven Scent Frequencies essential oils. The power to change your physical and mental health without side effects is at your fingertips.

Emerson Ferrell

High Frequency Blends Buy any 2 get the 3rd FREE (of equal or lesser value) All oils except Rose.

Essential Oils Singles Buy any 2 get the 3rd FREE (of equal or lesser value) All oils except Rose.

Essential Oils Packages and Combos

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